f.h.Systems - Show 1.0

Selecting the key Play the reader is hidden.

To press the right key of the mouse to make to appear it, and the left key to hide it.

To the start of the program, the window of selection of the fileses appears * .txt in "Allegato ".
To select the lines and to attend the loading.
The reader allows all the operations on the Cd and allows, through the Attached key, to select the lines I make a will you contain the information of the Cd audio


Light "Codes of the program"

1) to load the program "f.h.Systems Show 1.0 (Zip)"

light the instructions of the lines installa.txt

All the gives fileses * .TXT must be inserts in the sub directory: " Allegato "

All the fileses graphic fondo00.jpgs in the sub directory: " Foto "

2) to select the composition and to save the text in the sub directory: "Allegato".

The extension of the lines Allegato " Name " has to be * .TXT

The first line has to be always 01.00.00 T"

(code that points out: trace, minutes, second, code inside T)

3) to load the lines: Containing " Fondo00.zip " the funds and to save the figures in the sub directory " Foto "

f.h.Systems Show 1.0 (4.496 Kb)   Funds (1.964 Kb)
If necessary to load the " vb432run "
The lines of text " Allegato " can be modified. (laws the instructions to use the codes)

The structure of the lines Attached that it contains the data of management of the synchronism, it has however to respect some characteristics, that cannot be varied.

We bring here following the structure of the lines Allegato

01.00.00 T

99.00.00 R 0
99.00.00 G 0
99.00.00 B 93
99.00.00 R 200
99.00.00 G 255
99.00.00 B 0
* *
Automatic generation - 18/11/98 - 13.03.06
Before line of the lines: trace of departure of the passage

The codes 99 point out the characteristics of I screen it: deep color, color character and present photo as I found.

The code V points out that drawn aside of photo leading

* * The lines it always has to contain these two characters that point out the end of the data.

Under the two characters (asterisk asterisk) * * you can be inserted some information.

Codes of the program f.h.Systems
